Spring hours: Monday - Friday 9am - 4pm Treating all patients over one year of age
Spring hours: Monday - Friday 9am - 4pm Treating all patients over one year of age
What are allergy symptoms?
Symptoms of allergies occur when the immune system detects something that’s harmless to most people but activates an overreaction in people sensitive to it. That substance is called an allergen.
The immune system produces antibodies that are on alert for that specific allergen. When exposed again, the antibodies can trigger the release of immune system chemicals known as histamine. This produces allergy symptoms.
Depending on the allergen involved, symptoms can affect airways, sinus and nasal passages, skin and the digestive system. They can range from mild to severe.
What symptoms can occur with allergies?
What are bronchitis and coughs?
Through the use of your trachea, bronchial tubes allow you to breath in air from your mouth and nose (windpipe). These tubes may enlarge if they become irritated. The natural secretions that keep the lungs clean and lubricated build up. Breathing pathways narrow, making it challenging to maintain clear lungs.
Your body reacts to bronchitis by coughing to eject the mucus or phlegm. This is called a “productive” or “wet” cough.
What symptoms can occur with bronchitis?
Similar symptoms to those of a cold or flu, can by the first signs of bronchitis. The main symptom is a productive cough that can continue for more than a few days to weeks. Other common symptoms include:
Some patients may endure flu-like symptoms for weeks or months following a COVID-19 infection. This condition is also known as post-COVID-19 syndrome or extended COVID-19. If, after having COVID-19, you continue to experience any symptoms for weeks or months following your first recovery, a SmartMed Clinic can help.
What are cold and upper respiratory infections?
A runny nose, dry cough, sneezing and stuffiness are all symptoms of an upper respiratory infection, which is a common illness. The common cold is the type of upper respiratory infection that you are likely most familiar with. Viruses are typically to blame for upper respiratory illnesses, such as the common cold. The inside lining of your nose, throat, and occasionally your sinuses become irritated by the viruses that cause cold and upper respiratory infections. That explains why having a cold causes you to have a runny nose, stuffiness, sore throat, or cough.
What symptoms can occur with cold and upper respiratory infections?
n addition to a cold and upper respiratory infection, these indicators can also be signs of the flu, allergies and bacterial infections. Most upper respiratory infections last a few days and up to 2 weeks and generally do not cause lasting problems.
Be sure to let your provider know if you have other health problems or are taking medications. Some health conditions and medications make it harder for your immune system to fight off infection.
Some patients may endure flu-like symptoms for weeks or months following a COVID-19 infection. This condition is also known as post-COVID-19 syndrome or extended COVID-19. If, after having COVID-19, you continue to experience any symptoms for weeks or months following your first recovery, a SmartMed Clinic can help.
What is mono?
Mononucleosis (mono) – A typical victim of mono is an adolescent or college student. Mono is a frequent infection. The mono virus spreads rapidly as it is typically transmitted through saliva or intimate touch, earning its name as the “kissing disease.”
Although Mono is typically a benign illness, some people may experience major health issues. If you think you have mono, you can visit SmartMed to get a finger-stick blood test, medical exam and to discuss your symptoms.
What symptoms can occur with mono?
Mono usually starts out slow. It starts with exhaustion, generally not feeling well, headache and tender throat. The sore throat usually gets worse and is followed by swelling of the lymph nodes (glands) in the neck and armpits. These swollen glands are usually painful to the touch.
Other symptoms may include:
What is a sinus infection?
A sinus infection (sinusitis) is an inflammation or swelling of tissues lining the sinuses. The nose is encircled by these spaces filled with air. They’re also in the forehead, cheeks and adjacent to the eyes.
The mucus drains easily when your sinuses are clear. Mucus cleans out dirt and bacteria. When your sinuses are clear, mucus drains easily. Mucus cleans out dirt and bacteria. When sinuses become jammed or congested with mucus, their environment festers. Due to this, viruses, bacteria or fungi can multiply quickly and develop into an infection.
What symptoms can occur with sinus infections and congestion?
What is flu-like symptom treatment?
Influenza (flu) and colds have many symptoms in common. In the onset, the flu can seem like the beginning of a cold with a runny nose, sneezing and sore throat. However, colds usually progress slowly, while the flu comes on quickly. While a cold might be a annoyance, the flu can be significantly more uncomfortable.
If you think you’ve caught the flu, it helps to manage it early. Treatment options are most effective early.
Home preparations are crucial. To help lessen the severity and duration of the flu, an anti-viral medication may be prescribed, if necessary. When taken right after symptoms begin, you may shorten the virus life by a day or more. This may also avoid serious illness related complications.
If you believe you have the flu, you can ease your symptoms by following these rules: Drink lots of water, juice and warm soups: These help you stay well-hydrated. Get plenty of rest: Sleep helps your immune system fight infections. Pain relief medications, like acetaminophen or ibuprofen: These can help soothe your body from the aches.
What symptoms can occur with the flu?
Some patients may endure flu-like symptoms for weeks or months following a COVID-19 infection. This condition is also known as post-COVID-19 syndrome or extended COVID-19. If, after having COVID-19, you continue to experience any symptoms for weeks or months following your first recovery, a SmartMed Clinic can help.
What’s the difference between common sore throat and strep throat?
A sore throat, runny nose, and congestion are typically the first signs of a cold. This type of symptoms usually improves or goes away after a day or 2.
Viral infections that cause colds do not respond to antibiotics. Postnasal drip, allergies and cigarette smoke can also make your throat hurt.
While viruses, allergens or irritants cause most sore throats, the Streptococcus bacteria (group A strep) causes strep throat. Strep throat is highly transmittable and requires antibiotic treatment.
When a person with strep coughs or sneezes, little beads of water known as respiratory droplets spray into the open. By inhaling these droplets, which contain the streptococcus bacteria, you can contract strep throat. If you touch a surface containing these droplets and then touch your mouth and nose, you can also catch strep.
What symptoms can occur with sore and strep throats?
If you have a common sore throat, you might experience:
If you have strep throat, you might experience:
It's possible to have some of these signs and symptoms but not have strep throat. These symptoms could also be from a viral infection or other illness.
What are the most common types of mouth sores?
What symptoms can occur with mouth sores?
What are ear infection and earaches?
Infections such as ear infections and earaches can hurt the ears. Children experience them more frequently than adults do. They often only cause pain in one ear at a time, and it may be persistent or intermittent.
What symptoms can occur with earaches and ear infections?
Symptoms and signs in children include:
Symptoms and signs in children include:
Immediate medical care is needed if any of the symptoms above occur in a child 6 months old or younger.
Earwax Blockage:
What is an ear wax blockage?
Cerumen, or ear wax, performs a crucial job for the body. It functions as a natural cleaner that clears the ear canal of dead skin cells, dirt, hair, and other waste. It is a mixture of fatty secretions from the sweat and sebaceous glands in the outer ear canal walls. The secretions are propelled down the ear canal and out to the ear opening by movement of the jaw while chewing or speaking, where they dry up and flake off.
The ear canal is shielded from germs by the antibacterial and antifungal capabilities of ear wax. Additionally, it lessens the discomfort brought by when water gets in the ear canal, as when swimming. Lack of ear wax increases the likelihood that the ears will feel inflamed and scratchy.
Sometimes the body overproduces ear wax causing it to build up and eventually block the ear canal. The medical term for this blockage is “cerumen impaction.” Blockages are common for people who use hearing aids. Blockages can also occur if a person cleans their ears using cotton swabs. This can drive the ear wax deeper into the ear canal.
What symptoms can occur with an ear wax blockage?
You might not experience any symptoms. However, ear wax blockage might cause:
What is pink eye?
Conjunctivitis or pink eye is a frequent ailment. Pink eye occurs when viruses, bacteria, or irritants cause inflammation of the conjunctiva, which lines the inside of the eyelid, and the whites of the eyes. Because of the inflammation, blood vessels are more obvious, giving the whites of the eyes a pink or crimson appearance.
When caused by viruses or bacteria, pink eye is highly contagious. Allergic conjunctivitis is not contagious.
What symptoms can occur with pink eye?
What is a stye?
A stye (sty) looks like a pimple on the lower or upper part of the eyelid. This bump is caused by a blocked gland.
Sebum is an oily substance produced by two different types of sebaceous glands that are present on the eyelids (meibomian, which is exclusive to the eyelids, and a sweat gland). The gland's aperture might become blocked by scar tissue or external materials like dust and cosmetics. The secretion thickens and becomes erratic or nonexistent. The stye may appear as a result of a change in the flow. Styes are not spread by others.
What symptoms can occur with a stye?
What is chickenpox?
The varicella-zoster virus is responsible for the highly contagious illness known as chickenpox (chicken pox). Children are particularly affected. Adults can catch it, especially if they haven't received a vaccination.
Blisters form on the skin as a result of the painful rash brought on by chickenpox. The fluid-filled blisters eventually rupture, leak, crust over, and scab. Fever, headaches, and appetite loss are among symptoms of the infection.
What are the symptoms of chickenpox?
The itchy blister rash that is typical of a chickenpox infection appears 10 to 21 days after exposure to the virus. It lasts about 5 to 10 days. Signs and symptoms that may appear 1 to 2 days before the onset of the rash include:
What is athlete’s foot?
Tinea pedis, popularly known as athlete's foot, is a typical foot rash. Although it can happen to anyone at any moment, athletes are particularly prone to it. Athlete's foot is easily contagious and can survive on surfaces including floors, clothing, and towels.
What symptoms can occur with athlete’s foot?
The most common sign of athlete's foot is an itchy red rash on the feet. The rash occurs most often between the toes but can affect any part of the foot. Other symptoms of athlete's foot include:
The toenails and the soles of the feet might become infected by athlete's foot as it spreads. Even other parts of the body, such the groin and armpits, can catch it. The most typical method of spreading the rash from one place of the body to another is by scratching it.
What is impetigo?
Impetigo is a common and highly contagious bacterial skin disease, characterized by red sores on the face (mouth, nose), hands, arms, legs or a child’s diaper area.
Bacteria, including Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus pyogenes (staph and strep), infect the skin through breaches such as cuts, scrapes, insect bites or a rash. It can also occur on healthy skin. Anyone can get impetigo, but it most commonly affects children, especially those between the ages of 2 to 5.
What symptoms can occur with impetigo?
What is shingles?
Herpes zoster, the same virus that causes chickenpox, is responsible for the painful rash known as shingles (chicken pox). Anyone who has had the chickenpox is susceptible to developing shingles.
Although there is no known treatment for shingles, there are medications that can aid your body in battling the virus and lessen how bad it feels. These medications can help stop nerve discomfort from shingles from persisting for months or even years after the rash has healed.
What symptoms could occur with shingles?
The earliest sign of shingles is pain that can range from mild to severe. The pain is often described as shooting, tingling, burning or itching. It is followed 1 to 14 days later by a rash and blisters. The rash is usually a single stripe on 1 side of your body or face. Other symptoms of shingles can include:
Shingles that occurs on your face can affect your eyes and interfere with vision. Symptoms associated with shingles near your eye include:
What is ringworm?
The skin ailment known as ringworm is brought on by a fungus. Although it may itch, it is not harmful. You might have ringworm if you have a circular, itchy rash that is red.
What symptoms can occur with ringworm?
The most common symptom of ringworm is a red, circular rash (looks like the letter “O”) that is often very itchy. Other symptoms of ringworm can include:
Ringworm do not result in pus, but occasionally rubbing the itch might harm the skin and let bacteria in. If this does happen, pus might form, and you might experience soreness where the infection is, fever, and chills, which are signs of a bacterial infection.
What are poison ivy, oak and sumac rashes?
Plants that produce an allergic skin reaction include poison ivy, poison oak, and the less closely related poison sumac. Poison ivy is actually one of the leading causes of skin rashes in both kids and adults who spend time outside. An itchy, red rash characterizes an allergic reaction most frequently. These rashes may become life-threatening for certain people, or more severe symptoms may appear.
What are the symptoms of poison ivy and poison oak?
An allergic skin rash is the most noticeable symptom brought on by poison oak and poison ivy. Typically, this rash is bumpy, red, and itchy. The lumps frequently develop into pus-leaking blisters (a whitish-yellow liquid). As the rash disappears over a few days, the blisters start to dry out and create a crust. Body parts or locations that have been exposed to these plants may develop the rash.
What is scabies?
Scabies is an infestation of mites (Sarcoptes scabiei) that burrow and lay eggs inside skin. The resulting itch and pimple-like rash are a reaction to the infestation.
Small scabies mites cause scabies. They could appear as little black specks on the skin to the untrained eye. The mites move slowly and are unable to fly or jump. Usually, they spread by having extended skin-to-skin contact. They have time to crawl from one person to the next because of this. On rare occasions, the mites might spread through clothing, linens, or towels. They probably won't spread with a short handshake or embrace.
Prescription medication is required to kill scabies. The infection does not clear up on its own.
What symptoms can occur with scabies?
What is swimmer’s itch?
An itchy rash known as swimmer's itch (cercarial dermatitis) might appear after swimming or wading in the open water. Although it can happen in saltwater, it is most typical in freshwater ponds and lakes. The illness is a rash that develops as a result of the body's allergic response to some microscopic parasite larvae. These parasites can latch on and burrow into the skin when swimming or wading through places where they are present.
Although the condition is unpleasant, it typically goes away on its own within a few days to a week. Avoid scratching since this might damage the skin and cause an infection. You can treat the itch in the interim with over-the-counter medications or prescription drugs. Your SmartMed healthcare professional can evaluate the symptoms and suggest a plan of action to reduce irritation. Itching from swimming is not infectious.
What symptoms can occur with swimmer's itch?
Burning, tingling, and itching of the affected skin are signs of swimmer's itch. Within 12 hours of exposure, the rash linked to swimmer's itch often manifests as little reddish bumps that may develop into tiny blisters. Typically, the illness only affects skin that is exposed and not protected by wetsuits, waders, or swimwear. The symptoms of swimmer's itch typically get worse after each parasite encounter.
What is rosacea?
You might have rosacea, a chronic skin disorder, if you have little red pimples that resemble acne and the appearance of blushing on your face. Usually, when rosacea flares up, the skin on your nose, cheeks, and forehead are affected.
There are 4 subtypes with their own particular set of symptoms. It's possible to have multiple subtypes of rosacea simultaneously.
What symptoms can occur with rosacea?
It's a good idea to keep a log of your symptoms, what you were doing when they started, the surroundings, and anything you think might have caused them. This can assist you and your doctor in determining whether your symptoms are related to a type of rosacea.
What is Psoriasis?
Psoriasis is a condition that mostly damages the skin, while it can occasionally also harm joints and affect other organs. Psoriasis affects about 5 million people in the US.
There are 5 different kinds of psoriasis that can be diagnosed based on the appearance of the rash:
What symptoms can occur with psoriasis?
On the skin, thick, red, scaly patches known as "plaques" or "lesions" develop as a result of psoriasis. Plaques frequently itch or hurt. Although they can appear anywhere on the body, the elbows, knees, face, scalp, and lower back are where they are most frequently encountered. Psoriasis can make a person feel embarrassed. People frequently attempt to conceal the regions of their skin when psoriasis is visible.
What are bug bites and stings?
Any time of year can have its share of bug bites and stings, but warm weather increases the likelihood that you and your family will be spending time outside. In addition to bringing out more bugs and flying creatures like bees and wasps, warm weather also increases your risk of being stung or bitten.
Bite and sting severity can range from mildly annoying to potentially fatal. When toddlers have several bites or stings, they can be particularly harmful.
What symptoms can occur with bug bites and stings?
Most symptoms of infection are not specific. There are a few signs that you should look out for because they can signal an infection that should immediately be evaluated by a health care provider.
The infections that require more attention are those due to conditions such as Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever and West Nile virus. The symptoms that you should pay particular attention to include:
Catching these symptoms early makes it easier to treat the diseases that cause them.
What are lice?
The blood of people and other animals is the food source for lice, which are small parasitic insects. Human lice can easily transfer from one person to another, while lice that affect other animals cannot be transmitted to humans. Young children are most frequently affected by them. Lice may be detected by an intensely itching, crawling sensation on the head. Only crawlers may carry lice. The inability to fly or jump. Because of this, head-to-head contact is the most typical method for transferring lice from one person to another. Sharing is another method of spreading lice.
What are ticks?
Ticks are tiny bloodsucking arachnid parasites with eight legs like spiders. They are virtually ubiquitous outside. You run the chance of getting a tick bite whenever you go hiking, camp, garden, or are simply outside.
To lower your risk of contracting a disease transmitted by ticks, it's crucial to completely remove the entire tick after being bitten. The smaller your risk, the faster the tick gets eradicated.
What symptoms can occur with tick bites?
Ticks can transmit common diseases like Lyme disease, ehrlichiosis, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, and tularemia to people. While each sickness has its own unique symptoms, they can often bring on many of the same ones. The following are signs of a tick bite:
Different diseases usually produce different types of rashes. The type of rash you get can help health care providers determine which infection you have and how to treat it. These rashes and their underlying causes can be divided as follows:
What are heartburn and indigestion?
Heartburn occurs when stomach acid goes up into your esophagus. It is synonymous with acid reflux and can cause indigestion.
Both heartburn and indigestion can also be known as:
Heartburn can occasionally be hazardous. Long-term health issues might result from persistent heartburn. Heartburn can be managed with medication and is unlikely to result in any significant issues. Reach out to your doctor to discuss your symptoms and develop a personalized treatment plan.
What symptoms can occur with heartburn?
The most typical sign of heartburn is pain or burning in the chest, upper abdomen, and throat. Unfortunately, heart issues can result in the same kind of agony. You need to seek immediate medical attention unless you are positive that heartburn is the root of your chest pain. It is best to be safe and seek emergency assistance by dialing 911 right away if you think you are having a heart attack.
In addition to pain and burning, other symptoms of heartburn include:
Some people may develop a more severe illness and require hospitalization. If you are hospitalized with COVID-19, you may receive supportive care to help relieve symptoms. This may include supplemental oxygen, fluids and pain relievers. You may also receive supportive care to help your respiratory system if you are having difficulty breathing.
What is nausea, vomiting and diarrhea?
Typical symptoms of food poisoning, viral gastroenteritis, and gastritis (inflammation and irritation of the stomach and intestines) include nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea (stomach flu). Dehydration may result from vomiting and diarrhea, which can cause the body to lose electrolytes (essential salts and minerals) as well as water.
What symptoms can occur with nausea, vomiting and diarrhea?
Vomiting and nausea that occur quickly after a meal may be caused by food poisoning or gastritis. Food-borne illnesses like salmonella and parasitic illnesses like giardia can take longer to manifest symptoms. Along with the primary symptoms, you could also encounter:
Some people may develop a more severe illness and require hospitalization. If you are hospitalized with COVID-19, you may receive supportive care to help relieve symptoms. This may include supplemental oxygen, fluids and pain relievers. You may also receive supportive care to help your respiratory system if you are having difficulty breathing.
SmartMed providers can evaluate symptoms and support you in creating a treatment plan to reduce discomfort and help encourage recovery.
What is gout?
Gout is a type of arthritis that causes painful, hot, swollen and stiff joints. It often affects the big toe and parts of the foot.
Uric acid is a waste product that the body typically eliminates by excreting it in the urine. But occasionally, the body struggles to eliminate uric acid. When this occurs, uric acid accumulates and crystallizes into highly sharp objects (much like icicles or needles). These crystals can cause severe arthritis by becoming lodged in the crevices between your joints.
What symptoms can occur with gout?
The most obvious symptom of gout is pain, though many other conditions can also produce discomfort. Gout is a very severe kind of arthritis that only affects one joint at a time, in contrast to other types of arthritis pain. Gout-infected feet are practically hard to walk on or even bear weight on. Other gout signs and symptoms include:
Despite the fact that gout frequently affects the base of the big toe, other joints, such as:
What are burns?
A minor burn affects the surface layer of the skin. Hot liquids, fire, hot surfaces, chemicals and even rays from the sun can cause a first-degree burn, making the skin red, swollen and painful.
Most first- and second-degree burns, which are less than 3 inches in diameter, are simple to treat at home.
Burns fall under the following categories, according to the extent of the damage:
What symptoms can occur with burns?
The epidermis (surface or top layer) is inflamed locally as a result of first-degree burns, which are superficial burns. For instance, sunburns often result in first-degree burns. They produce discomfort, erythema, and little swelling (edema). Touch sensitivity may also be present on the afflicted skin.
Burns of the second degree penetrate the dermis, which contains the nerves, blood vessels, sweat glands, and hair follicles. The skin blisters in addition to experiencing discomfort, redness, and inflammation.
Third-degree burns reach all skin layers and cause damage to nerves and blood vessels. Traits include:
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